You’ve just seen your doctor about your skin problem.  The diagnosis: acne vulgaris.

Wait, what?  You thought you just had run-of-the-mill pimples.

Actually, the more you think about it, you start to get nervous. You’ve never heard of this type of acne before. What is acne vulgaris? And how did you get it?

Acne Vulgaris is the Medical Term for Common Acne

Relax, you don’t have a strange form of acne. In fact, quite the opposite. Acne vulgaris is the term used to describe common acne. Rest assured, most people have suffered from acne vulgaris at some point in their lives.

People with acne vulgaris get blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples (zits). Acne vulgaris may be mild for some people, with just a few blemishes here and there. For others, acne vulgaris becomes more severe.

Breakouts aren’t always limited to the face. You may find yourself breaking out on the neck, chest, back, shoulders, maybe even on your bum. Rest assured, body acne is normal, too.


First off, know that you didn’t do anything to cause your acne vulgaris. Acne isn’t caused by bad hygiene, or touching your face.

You didn’t catch it from someone else, either. Acne is not contagious.

What you’re eating isn’t causing acne vulgaris either, although some doctors now theorize that certain foods may worsen existing acne cases. The most commonly linked foods include milk and dairy and carbohydrates.

No, you’re likely not doing anything to cause your acne. There are many factors contribute to acne development, and none of them are really in your control.

Hormones play a big role. Androgen hormones rev up oil production. Excess oil and sticky skin cells become trapped in the pore, creating a blockage called a comedo.

This comedo can progress to a more serious breakout if the follicle ruptures. The acne-causing bacteria, propionibacteria acnes, also plays a role, irritating the skin and causing inflamed pimples.

Why some people go through life relatively unscathed by acne while others battle severe breakouts is still a mystery.

We do know that acne tends to run in families. So, if your parents or siblings had acne, you’re more likely to get it too.

And it’s is not just a teenage problem. Acne can occur at most any age, from preteens through adult.  Many who sailed through high school without a blemish find they start breaking out for the first time well into adulthood.

Adult women especially seem to develop breakouts on the chin and jawline, often around the time of their menstrual cycle.


Acne vulgaris isn’t a fun problem to have, but it is treatable. Your doctor can give you a prescription medication that will help. If your acne is fairly mild, you can treat it with Acnex® Cream by Pharmclinix®.

Acnex® cream is the only cream that treats & prevents Acne, but also treas the dark marks left by Acne. It is especially excellent for darker skins, which have dark marks left after Acne.

It’s also important to stick to a regular skin care regimen. Acne isn’t caused by a lack of cleansing or bad hygiene, but good daily skin care is always helpful.

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